












概况:范壮军,中国石油大学(华东)材料科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,国家万人计划领军人才,科技部科技创新领军人才,教育部“新世纪优秀人才”,黑龙江省杰出青年基金获得者,龙江学者特聘教授。博士毕业于中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,清华大学化工系博士后,美国斯坦福大学访问学者。目前开展纳米碳的可控制备以及在超级电容器、锂/钠电池以及光电催化等领域基础应用研究,近几年在Chem.Soc. RevAdv.MaterEnergyEnviron SciAdv.Energy MaterACSNanoAdv.Funct. MaterNanoEnergy等高水平期刊上发表论文130余篇,引用17000次。入选“科睿唯安”以及“爱思唯尔”材料类高被引学者榜单,获得黑龙江省青年科技奖,2次获得黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(排名第1)。


1. W. Chen, H.Yu, S. Y. Lee, T. Wei, J. Li, Z. J. Fan*, Nanocellulose: Apromising nanomaterial for advanced electrochemical energystorage,Chem. Soc. Rev.,2018, 47, 2837-2872. (IF=40.182)

2. L. Sheng, L.Jiang, Z. Jiang, Z. Liu, T. Wei, Z. J. Fan*, Multilayer-foldedgraphene ribbon film with ultrahigh areal capacitance and highrate performance for compressible supercapacitors, Adv.Funct. Mater.,2018, 28, 1800597. (IF=13.325)

3. Z. Liu, L.Jiang, Q. Zhou, T. Wei, B. Zhang, Z. J. Fan*, Oxygen clustersdistributed in graphene with “paddy land” structure: ultrahighcapacitance and rate performance for supercapacitors, Adv.Funct. Mater.,2018, 28, 1705258. (IF=13.325)

4. L. Zhang, H.Jiang, J. Chang, L. Sheng, Q. Zhou, L. Yuan, Z. J. Fan*,Electrostatic interaction in electrospun nanofibers: Double-layercarbon protection of CoFe2O4nanosheets enabling ultralong-life and ultrahigh-rate lithium ionstorage, NanoEnergy,2018, 48, 238-247. (IF=13.12)

5. J. Chang, L.Sheng, T. Wei, Z. J. Fan*, Molecular diffusion-driven motion in 2Dgraphene film, Adv.Funct. Mater.,2018, 28, 1707053. (IF=13.325)

6. Z. Liu, T.Wei*, J. Feng*, Z. J. Fan*, Edge-nitrogen-rich carbon dotspillared graphene blocks with ultrahigh volumetric/gravimetriccapacities and ultralong life for sodium ion storage, Adv.Energy. Mater.,2018, 8, 1802042. (IF=21.875)

7. S. Zhang,  J.Zhu,  Y. Qing,  L. Wang,  J. Zhao,  J. Li,  W. Tian,  D. Jia,* Z.J. Fan*, Ultramicroporous Carbons Puzzled by Graphene QuantumDots: Integrated High Gravimetric, Volumetric, and ArealCapacitances for Supercapacitors, Adv.Funct. Mater.,2018, 28,1805898.(IF=13.325)

8. L. Sheng, L.Jiang, T. Wei, L. Zheng, Z. J. Fan*, Spatial charge storage withinhoneycomb-carbon frameworks for ultrafast supercapacitors withhigh energy and power densities, Adv.Energy. Mater.,2017, 19, 1700668. (IF=21.875)

9. Q. Wang, J.Yan,* Z. J. Fan*, Carbon materials for high volumetric performancesupercapacitors: Design, progress, challenges and opportunities,EnergyEnviron. Sci.,2016, 9, 729-762. (IF=30.067)

10. L. Wang, T.Wei, L. Sheng, and Z. J. Fan*,“Brick-and-mortar” sandwichedporous carbon building constructed by metal-organic framework andgraphene: ultrafast charge/discharge rate up to 2 V s-1for supercapacitors, NanoEnergy,2016, 19, 80-92. (IF=13.12)